Current & Upcoming Events
Jogakbo Workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (April 12th 2025)
Details and registration will come soon.
Butterfly Decorations Workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (May 31st 2025)
Korean Handicraft Workshop for Kids from 9 to 12 years
Details and registration will come soon.
Balloon Mobile Decoration Workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (June 7th 2025)
Korean Handicraft Workshop for Kids from 9 to 12 years
Details and registration will come soon.
Leaves Mobile Decoration Workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (June 28th 2025)
Korean Handicraft Workshop for Kids from 9 to 12 years
Details and registration will come soon.
Persimmon Leaves Pouch Workshop at Museum Rietberg, Zurich (July 5th 2025)
Korean Handicraft Workshop for Kids from 11 to 15 years
Details and registration will come soon.

Previous Events 2024
Bojagi Workshop at Carrefour Européen du Patchwork, France (September 14th 2024)
I offered a bojagi workshop for the European Patchwork Meeting 2024. In this workshop, participants learned basic stitches and seam techniques for making both one layered transparent bojagi and two layered bojagi, how to make curved lines, cut-out techniques, and how to make traditional decorations. I was very happy to meet the wonderful and creative participants! I appreciate Caroline's great help as my French and Italian interpreter. Thank you for organizing everything, Adeline and the European Patchwork Meeting.
Korean Artists Exhibition at Galerie Art & Business in Zurich (May 25th - June 1st 2024)
This was an exhibition of Korean artists in Switzerland. I exhibited my bojagi works and textile works including my latest works. Thank you very much everyone who visited and left good comments or bought my works and goods.
Korean mobile workshop for Japan Club Zurich (March 12th, 2024)
Thank you for joining my mobile workshop at Japan Club Zurich. It was a lovely day with sewing and chatting. I was happy to hear that some repeaters said that they really waited for this workshop.
Bojagi workshop for Pilatus Quilters in Luzern (January 29th 2024)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, traditional decorations and mobile decorations. 6 hours creative workshop.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie an meinem Bojagi Workshop teilgenommen haben. Thank you for inviting me as a bojagi instructor. I also enjoyed a lot with creative and friendly ladies!

Previous Events 2023
Exhibition at Carrefour Européen du Patchwork, France (September 14-17th 2023)
My exhibition was named "Bojagi and Western Lights".
I was honored to have been selected for a solo exhibition at the Carrefour Européen du Patchwork. I exhibited 16 bojagi works including my latest transparent bojagi works and framed works. I was happy to see so many people who visited my exhibition. Thank you so much to all the organizing staff for everything, everyone who visited my exhibition, all catering staff for the good food, and to my husband and daughter for their help! I hope to come back one day in the future again!
SwissArtExpo 2023 (September 6th-10th 2023)
I was happy to have been selected as an artist for the SwissArtExpo 2023! This was the first opportunity for me to sell my framed works, which represent my challenge to apply traditional bojagi to contemporary art. Thank you so much to all the organizing staff for everything, everyone who visited my exhibition, the news coverage, and my artist friends who shared their passion with me!
Lotus leaf covering bojagi workshops at PatCHquilt Workshop Day (June 10th 2023)
Multiple workshops during the event. Short workshops for making a two layered coaster and traditional decoration.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie an meinen Bojagi Workshops vom Workshop Tag teilgenommen haben! In total, about 40 participants joined my 4 bojagi workshops during the Workshop Day event. I was happy to see the participants enjoy making bojagi and to hear good feedback.
Bojagi workshop for Patchwork du Léman (May 6th 2023)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, lotus leaf covering bojagi, and traditional decorations. 6 hours creative workshop.
It was a great time to have a workshop at Patchwork du Léman. I was happy to see that participants enjoyed learning and making bojagi. Each participant had made lunch and cakes for sharing with everyone and we enjoyed it. 6 hours passed so quickly with a lot of fun conversation. Thank you for inviting me as an instructor. Also thank you bilingual participants for your French interpretation.

Previous Events 2022
Bojagi workshop at Anna & Juan Studio, Zurich. (November 20th 2022)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, and traditional decorations. 4 hours workshop.
Thank you for participating in my workshop. Time went by quickly as we enjoyed creating and chatting. Thank you for your good feedback. One of the participants gave me her unique thread when she noticed that I was interested in it. I didn't expect it. Thank you. And thank you to Luzius and Josefina for your wonderful place.
Exhibition at NADELWELT Friedrichshafen, Germany (October 7-9 2022)
My exhibition is named "Seika Lee Klein: Bojagi – colorful diary of handsewing".
Special exhibition at Misoga in Zurich, Switzerland (April - June 2022)
This is the seasonal display of my bojagi in Misoga, a wonderful Korean restaurant in Zurich. I'm happy if you have a good time with delicious food and enjoy my bojagi there.
Bojagi workshop at Social Fabric, Zurich (June 12th 2022)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, and traditional decorations. 4 hours workshop.
Thank you for participating in my bojagi workshop. Participants learned various kinds of stitches and techniques, and created their own bojagi. We also enjoyed chatting a lot. It was a very fun time for me as well!
PatCHquilt exhibition & meeting in Solothurn, Switzerland (April 2nd 2022)
I exhibited my bojagi and also held several workshops during the event. Thank you so much patCHquilt for hosting me and supporting my preparation for the event.

Previous Events 2021
Bojagi workshop for Japan Club Zurich (October 29th 2021)
Learn about Korean bojagi and make a two layered coaster.
Lotus leaf covering bojagi workshop (June 6th 2021)
Learn about Korean bojagi and make a lotus leaf covering bojagi and traditional decorations.

Previous Events 2020
Bojagi online workshop (December 6th 2020)
Learn about Korean bojagi and make a two layered coaster.

Previous Events 2019
Bojagi workshop at Social Fabric, Zurich (June 2019)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, and traditional decorations. 4 hours workshop.

Previous Events 2018
Bojagi workshop at Bechtel International Center, Stanford University (Nov. 2018)
Learn about Korean bojagi and make a two layered coaster.
Bojagi workshop at Bechtel International Center, Stanford University (Sept. 2018 ~ Oct.2018)
Learn about Korean bojagi and about how to make one layered and two layered bojagi, and traditional decorations. Five week workshop.

  © Seika Lee Klein